Yoga For Newbies: 6 Yoga Poses to Begin Your Yoga Journey

shraddha sambare
6 min readJan 19, 2022

Yoga is an extensive physical, psychological and spiritual formation, and may assist each person in establishing a special self-centering mechanism, decreasing self-perception, and altering cognitive styles. Due to the unique advantages of yoga to the mental and physical endurance of people and simple and relaxing sports techniques, People liked it a lot.

I know, a lot of you have seen the above information and feel like you should start practicing yoga today itself. But before starting yoga, there are things you need to be aware of. So that you can begin practicing yoga correctly.

When we begin to practice yoga in excitement, we try to do very challenging yoga poses, ignoring several basic yoga poses. But remember, suddenly begin challenging yoga postures can cause injury to your body. So whenever you start yoga, always perform some basic yoga poses. Begin with postures that your body soft and supple, and decrease your chances of injury during yoga. Here are some basic yoga poses I brought for you, that will helpful for newbies.

1) Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

Sukhasana is supposed to be the grounding pose. where you may meditate or practice the work of breathing.


  • Sit uniformly on your bones and cross your elbows ahead of you.
  • There’s supposed to be a gap between your calves and your thighs.
  • Once in the posture, loosen your shoulders.
  • Sit up taller.
  • Take any extreme arc out of your back using your abdominals to pull your lower ribs back into your spine.


Although it’s called easy positioning, It’s not always easy on everybody. Depending on the bone structure of your hips, that might be quite challenging, but don’t worry, because there is a change for you. For easier installation, sit on something that lifts your hips. It may be a blanket or pillow.

2) Seated Twists (Parivrtta Sukhasana)

Twists are designed to drain toxins from the body, and boost the digestive tract. When it comes to torsions, you always want to bend your chest to the right first, then to the left, go in the direction of the digestive path.


  • To start, remain seated in the Easy position.
  • Take your right hand and place it at the back of your right hip.
  • Place your left hand on the outer side of your right knee.
  • Take a breath and sit a little taller.
  • Then, when you exhale, use the placement of your hands as anchors to help you rotate slightly deeper.
  • Hold a minimum of 5 breaths.
  • Repeat in the opposite direction.


To adjust this pose, You can put a block beneath your right hand. To prevent you from losing the right nature of your spine. If you were sitting on a pillow or other piece of equipment in the Easy posture, So keep staying on that prop here.

3) Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

It is an ideal position to open your hips and let go of the lower back, particularly if you’ve been sitting at a desk all day.


  • In the Easy posture, untie your shins and draw the soles of your feet together.
  • If it’s a lot of stretching on the outside of your hips, put your hands behind you and sit high to support yourself.
  • Alternatively, you can sit on a blanket here.
  • If your knees are away from the ground, you may also place boulders or pillows under them for support.
  • This will help relieve any pressure you may have on the outside of your legs.


As long as your knees are near the ground. And you want to go deeper in stretching, leaning on the legs, and pulling the forehead towards the soles of the feet, And your chest towards the ground. Continue to push your knees to the ground, but ease your shoulders and neck. Hold for at least eight breaths.

4) Cat/Cow (Viralasana)

This posture helps maintain a flexible spine, and prepares your body to move with breathing.

Instructions for cow

  • Come on your palms, get down on your knees.
  • Place your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and knees beneath your thighs.
  • When you breathe in, drop the belly.
  • Let your tailbone stretch towards the ceiling and keep your chest broad.
  • Here is the cow.

Instructions for cat

  • To enter into the Cat from Cow, exhale.
  • Support your hands uniformly and around your upper back.
  • Imagine if someone had their hand between the shoulder blades.
  • Pull your chin towards your chest and round up through your spine like you’re trying to push your hand away.
  • Continue to move with your breathing, alternating between Cat and Cow to create motion in your spine.
  • Do that for a minimum of 5 breaths.

5) Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

This pose is intended to open your hip deflectors, the upper part of the thigh, and the forepart of the hips. If you spend much of your day in an office or by car or you are a passionate runner or cyclist, those muscles could be especially tight. This pose is going to be particularly good for you.


  • With your hands and knees, advance your right foot so that it lands directly inside your right hand.
  • If this is a lot of stretching in your hips and groin area, then grab two blocks and place them under each hand to give yourself a little relief.
  • To extend the stretch further, extend your arms upwards and reach along with your ears.
  • Next, let your hips fall towards the carpet.
  • Hold a minimum of 8 breaths.
  • Repeat in the opposite direction.


It’s a cautionary note, Do not leave your knee before passing through your ankle. If you dip your hips and notice that this occurs, step your foot in front until your knee lines up directly above your ankle.

6)Sphinx (Bhujangasana II)

This posture is considered a slight twisting of the back. and is designed to open your chest and stretch out the front side of the body.


  • Lie on the mat on your abdomen.
  • Lift your chest from the floor and place your forearms on the mat in front of you so that your elbows are directly below your shoulders.
  • The forearms must run parallel to the sides of the mat.
  • Push your forearms down into the mat and try to slide them back, making the effort to pull your chest through your arms.
  • The top of your body should do all the work, and the bottom of your body, particularly your glutes, should be relaxed.
  • Hold a minimum of 5 breaths.


Martin, C. (16 August 2015). yoga For Beginners: Simple Yoga Poses to Calm Your Mind and Strengthen Your Body. ROCKRIDGE PRESS.

